Do you ever find yourself using an item and think, “This could have been designed better?” Read further as we explore 10 everyday products women of an online forum believe have been designed for men’s convenience only.
1. Seat Belts
One thing that irks women is the design of the seatbelts. Men typically have shorter legs and longer torsos, so it perfectly stretches from their shoulders across their chests. However, one points out that for women, it is a constant annoyance that keeps rubbing against the neck. Wouldn’t it be great if seat belt fixings were adjustable in height to accommodate different body types?
2. Pockets
Ah, the pockets – or lack thereof – in women’s clothing! Why are they so small, or sometimes even fake? Many forum members find it frustrating that men’s clothing often boasts spacious pockets while women are left with barely enough room for lipstick.
3. Construction Tools
If you have ever worked with construction tools, you may have noticed that work gloves typically come in multipacks, but unfortunately, they are mostly tailored for large and extra-large hands. It can be quite a challenge for women or men with smaller hands to find gloves that fit correctly.
And let’s not forget about those super high shelves in houses that seem to taunt all women. It’s not just about reaching them but finding comfortable tools to grip for extended periods.
4. Office Desks and Chairs
The struggle with office desks and chairs is all too relatable for most. Finding the right height can be a balancing act. If you adjust the chair to ensure your arms are at a ninety-degree angle on the desk, your feet end up dangling in the air. On the other hand, if you lower the chair to have your feet flat on the ground, your wrists have to stretch uncomfortably to reach the keyboard.
5. Medications
Did you know that most medications have primarily been tested on men? Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic that can cause severe side effects only in women, including blindness, fevers, headaches, and weakened tendons. One user shared that discovering this firsthand due to a minor urinary tract infection was quite an eye-opener.
6. Reproductive Products
When it comes to reproductive choices, there can be a frustrating disparity between the options available to men and women. Men often have the choice to use condoms, but hormonal birth control methods usually fall on the women’s shoulders, bringing along potential side effects.
7. Cell Phones
Ever tried using a cell phone with a massive screen while holding it with one hand? It’s like trying to play gymnastics with your thumb! Even the ‘mini’ versions of phones tend to be uncomfortable for those with smaller hands.
8. Pullup Bars
Pullup bars can be a daunting challenge for women who enjoy strength training. The bars are often designed with a thickness that makes it difficult for smaller hands to grip comfortably. Additionally, when multiple sets of handles are available, the distances between them are usually too far apart for women to do narrow-grip pull-ups.
9. Unisex T-Shirts
Unisex t-shirts are meant to be exclusive, right? Well, not always. Some brands, like Old Navy, openly admit to using men’s t-shirt sizing and fit for their unisex shirts. This means that women looking for a comfortable and relaxing fit often have unflattering shirts that are too large for their bodies.
10. Console Controllers
Gaming can be fun to unwind, but it becomes less enjoyable when the standard console controllers are too big for your hands. Extended gaming sessions can quickly turn uncomfortable, leaving your fingers cramped and fatigued.
Source: Reddit.
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