Polly and her husband have been married for eight years.
Tragedy Struck
Fifteen years ago, Polly’s husband tragically lost his mother due to illness, but she left him an inheritance.
Inheritance Beneficiary Revelation
He informed Polly that he had selected her as a beneficiary of the inheritance.
Unequal Disclosure
One evening, he became upset, saying it was unfair that Polly knew about his inheritance while he remained unaware of hers.
The Unrevealed Inheritance Details
Her parents are still in their 60s and haven’t passed on any inheritance information to her.
Seeking Equality
To “even the scales in their marriage,” he now demands that Polly approach her father to determine the expected amount of her inheritance. He also expects him to put it in writing that he’s a beneficiary if she were to pass away.
The Uncertainty
She’s unsure if this is a reasonable or appropriate request, especially considering her parents’ age.
She turned to one social media platform, looking for advice on how to handle this situation delicately. She received plenty of responses.
Open and Honest Dialogue
A user suggested a thoughtful approach to the situation, recommending an open and honest conversation with her husband. Given their relatively young age, the user advised expressing discomfort with asking her parents about their finances. Instead, the couple could discuss their financial future together and make plans that provide a sense of security for both. This approach addressed her husband’s concerns while respecting her parents’ privacy.
Could the Inheritance Be Gone?
A responder recognized the original poster from a previous thread, in which she spoke of her husband’s bad vices that were becoming difficult to control. The commenter pointed out that he may have already spent his entire inheritance and now wants access to hers for a similar purpose.
Future Uncertainty
One user expressed disbelief, stating, “It’s absurd that her husband was so fixated on money that isn’t guaranteed to be hers.” They questioned how the parents could predict what they’ll leave behind in such an uncertain world where the length of their lives is unknown.
The user shared a personal experience: “Two years before my grandfather passed away, his house burned down. Any regular life event the parents might experience can affect this inheritance. It’s all just hypothetical. It doesn’t become yours until they’re no longer here, at which point lawyers and creditors come into play to determine what remains.”
Equalizing Inheritance Matters
Another user expressed discomfort with the situation and advised against asking her parents about it. Instead, they suggested that she tell him to “make things even” by removing her as his beneficiary, keeping his inheritance separate, and proposing that she does the same.
Parental Guidance
Another user recommended that she talk with her parents about the situation. This dialogue could help her gain perspective and make an informed decision regarding her relationship with her husband.
One person responded, expressing confusion about making the marriage “even.” They questioned the meaning behind it.
The commenter also pointed out that how much one might receive is unpredictable, citing various potential scenarios, such as illness, market fluctuations, or unforeseen events.
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Susan is the founder of Susan's Socials, a social media agency focused on Flipboard. She is also a content curator, encouraging a healthy lifestyle through topics such as pets, food, travel, home decor, gardening, and fashion.
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