Luxury is all about finding the positives in life and enjoying them to the full. There will always be scope to achieve more, earn more, own more, but this will all be futile if you’re constantly wanting more without any appreciation for what you already have.
Find luxury in an evening in front of the TV with a glass of fine wine, find pleasure in going for walks at twilight, appreciate time spent with family. You can find or achieve simple pleasures in the life you are already living if you look for them and are willing to try out new things!
There are some things which provide happiness in life that just cannot be bought. Never underestimate the luxury of having family and friends that love you and support you.
Without your health, everything else becomes irrelevant. Whilst everyone should find whatever feels right to them, living a more health conscious and active lifestyle will have such a positive effect that you’ll wonder how you ever lived any other way!
If you are fortunate enough to already start to feel like your life could actually be seen as pretty luxurious, don’t forget to share that with others who are less fortunate. As small as these things may sound, the good you give out to the world will come back to you eventually, and that is a pretty luxurious thought.