Let’s face it: Everyone has annoying little habits or behaviors that can be off-putting to others. Certain actions or quirks we’ve developed can be incredibly unattractive if left unchecked, whether in social settings, relationships, or daily interactions.
Knowing what to avoid, from lacking basic courtesy to more complex issues like infidelity or ghosting, can help you build better and longer-lasting connections.
To help you out, here are the 16 least attractive things a person can do and why they should be avoided like the plague.
Constantly Interrupting
Just wait your turn. Someone who is so self-centered and believes the whole conversation has to revolve around them is such an ick. There is nothing more genuinely infuriating than someone who seems incapable of allowing other people to speak.
Nobody’s words are so life-changing that they can’t wait a moment for another person to finish their thought.
Being Overly Competitive
There is nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition, but when it comes to playing board games with friends and family, or worse, children, making them cry is not an attractive look.
Refrain from too much gloating, excessive aggression, or just being a bad loser. There’s nothing hot about being smug and nothing appealing about throwing a tantrum over a board game.
Not Using Headphones In Public
Don’t be that guy, if you’re in a public space, especially on the metro, use your headphones. No one wants to hear your TikToks or whatever you’re watching. You may think your playlist is phenomenal, but not everyone shares your taste.
Playing music without headphones should be a public offense. Your vibe is not the soundtrack to everyone’s life, so either turn it down or put on your earphones.
A major red flag and one of the least attractive things someone can do is be unfaithful. Whether to a friend, partner, or family member, loyalty is attractive. Disloyalty, infidelity, or any kind of repeatedly disrespectful behavior is an incredibly ugly trait.
Someone capable of performing such back-stabbing actions is not worth your time or energy. Infidelity lines are an incredibly ugly behavioral trait to have and something you’d be advised to steer clear of.
Poor Personal Hygiene
Something that can be incredibly unattractive is someone who can’t be bothered to look after themselves. A good standard of personal hygiene is not too much to ask.
Whether they never wash, forget to brush their teeth, or are incapable of cleaning up after themselves, it’s usually a sign of laziness and, to be honest, usually shows a lack of maturity, which is not attractive in a fully grown adult.
Flaking On Plans
Bailing on plans at the last minute is easily one of the fastest ways to lose people’s trust. Reliability is hot, but flakiness is not. If you’ve agreed to turn up, don’t pull a disappearing act.
The least you can do is have the common courtesy to call up and let people know you can’t make it. If you have a legitimate excuse, the majority of people will be pretty understanding.
Not Putting The Toilet Seat Down
While not flushing the toilet is undeniably gross, leaving the seat up ranks a close second. This issue, often directed at men, tends to highlight two common culprits: an inability to aim properly and a lack of effort to put the seat down afterward. The result? A frustrating and unhygienic bathroom experience that no one wants to deal with.
There is nothing more unattractive than a person who lacks manners. Rudeness should never be tolerated, and a lack of basic human decency or social awareness is a particularly unpleasant characteristic.
At the end of the day, it’s basic manners. Acts of gratitude take seconds but have the potential to say so much. Forgetting to say “thank you” makes you look entitled as if you expect the world to revolve around you. Whether it’s a stranger holding the door or a waiter refilling your water, show some appreciation.
Loud Chewing
The sound of chewing can be unbearable. Nobody ordered an orchestra with their lunch, so please keep your mouth shut.
Horrible sounds aside, no one wants a front-row seat to see your food spinning around like a washing machine, with stray bits escaping as you talk.
As a basic rule, just don’t chew with your mouth open, it is gross and unhygienic.
Disrespecting someone’s time is the same as disrespecting them. Punctuality shows a level of respect and common decency. Repeated tardiness insinuates someone believes their time is of more value than anyone else’s, suggesting a sense of arrogant entitlement.
While life can get in the way occasionally, someone unable to manage their time is a bit of a red flag.
Constant Pessimist
Pessimism is not a very attractive trait. While we all have off days, and it’s ok to acknowledge our frustrations, someone who has a permanently negative outlook on life is pretty exhausting to be around.
Whether constantly complaining about everything, talking about friends behind their backs, refusing to celebrate someone else’s success, or generally just bringing people down, it tends to drain the mood.
Always On Their Phone
We get it—your phone holds the entire world’s knowledge, endless memes, and countless TikToks and reels. But when you’re out with friends or someone is trying to have a genuine conversation with you, constantly scrolling sends a clear message: your phone is more interesting than they are.
Conversations are a two-way street. If you’re glued to your screen, you’re not just ignoring the other person—you’re showing them that your notifications, likes, and videos are a bigger priority than their presence.
Talking Loudly on a Speakerphone in Public
Not everyone needs to hear your conversation. Whether you’re phoning a friend, scheduling a doctor’s appointment, or hashing out a major drama, private conversations are best kept private.
No one wants to hear your secondhand gossip, so invest in earbuds and spare the world the secondhand embarrassment.
Ghosting People
Ghosting is a truly unpleasant thing to do. It is the modern-day equivalent of being stood up or running away without saying goodbye. Not only is this behavior blatantly rude, but to be honest, it’s a bit pathetic. Imagine you’re mid-conversation, planning a dinner, or chatting about life, and suddenly, they disappear, never to respond, leaving unanswered texts and confusion in your wake.
A simple “I’m not interested” may feel awkward for a few seconds, but it’s far kinder in the long run.
Taking Endless Gym Selfies
We get it. If you like to work out, you’ve put the effort in, and you’re reaching your goals, that’s great for you! However, while gym selfies are fine on occasion, the purpose of the gym is not for a photoshoot.
Don’t waste time on the machines other people are trying to use or get in the way of someone else’s workout for the sake of an Instagram post. Not only is it infuriating, it shows a complete disregard for other people. Take pride in your gains, just refrain from bombarding everyone with endless content.
Cutting in Line
Quite possibly the fastest way to earn the collective dislike of a large group of people. Cutting in line is guaranteed to anger the masses.
In reality, there is rarely a genuine reason for you to cut in line; all it suggests is that you believe your time is more precious than others’ time.
We’ve All Been There
If any of these unattractive behaviors resonate with you, then don’t worry! We’ve all been there at least a few times, so don’t get too embarrassed. The important thing is to learn from our past behaviors, not take life too seriously, and learn to laugh at ourselves.
Ultimately, life is about growth; so it’s ok to take a few tumbles on the way, especially if they make for some rather entertaining stories.